The Ultimate Guide to Tummy Tuck in Mexico

Average Prices in Mexico compared to the US
Tummy Tuck Price in the USATummy Tuck Price in MexicoYou Save:
$6,000 - $8,000$3,000 - $4,00050% - 65%


Last fact-checked: 14 December 2022

With Medical Departures, you can get a free, personalized quote for your tummy tuck in Mexico, paying just a fraction of the cost back home.

Our network of verified surgeons is located across the country in well-established medical tourism destinations such as Tijuana, Cancun, and Guadalajara. And thanks to our Best Price Guarantee, you can save as much as 70% on your slimmer, tighter tummy while enjoying the option of a fabulous getaway at the same time.

Read on to find out more about what the procedure entails, as well as recommended clinics, top abdominoplasty surgeons in Mexico, price comparisons, reviews, travel tips, and booking information.

Cost of Tummy Tucks in Mexico vs the US

First things first: is traveling to Mexico for your tummy tuck actually worth it?

To get a quick idea as to how much you can save at our verified clinics and hospitals, see the table below displaying average abdominoplasty prices in Mexico compared to the US:

Tummy Tuck Price in the USATummy Tuck Price in MexicoYou Save:
$6,000 - $8,000$3,000 - $4,00050% - 65%

Average US costs were obtained from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons at the time of writing. Please check with your Medical Departures representative or our clinic pages for the most up-to-date pricing.

These prices in the USA generally do not include other essential or additional fees, such as anesthesia, operating room facilities, or medication. As a result, the overall cost of a tummy tuck in the US can often exceed $10,000, meaning those savings in Mexico may increase.

What Factors Affect Abdominoplasty Prices in Mexico?

How much you pay overall could be more or less than this, depending on:

-Whether you are having a mini tuck or a full tuck (more details further down this page).

-Whether liposuction is combined with the tuck to achieve a more toned look. In such cases, the volume of fat removed from around the stomach area will have a bearing on the length of surgery, and therefore the total price

-The reputation of your chosen clinic/hospital and surgeon

-The location of your chosen facility

-Whether additional treatment costs are included as part of the price estimate

> Read More: Ultimate Guide to Liposuction in Mexico

Are There Any Hidden Costs? 

We never charge for booking through our site and thanks to our price guarantee pledge, if you see a better rate for the same procedure with the same surgeon, we’ll match it.

While we try to be as transparent as possible–with no hidden charges to worry about–please be aware that initial price quotes can only be based on the details you provide us. If the nature of your procedure changes after meeting your doctor in Mexico, or if your diagnosis or preferences change as a result of your consultation, prices are subject to adjustment, accordingly.

It should also be noted that, unlike cosmetic surgery in the US where other essential costs are not included in price quotes, many clinics in Mexico will actually include fees such as anesthesia, medication, and in-patient care as part of an all-in-one package.

When getting a price quote from our team, ask our representatives what your provisional quote fully includes.

Why Choose Mexico for Your Tummy Tuck?

Mexico has long been a favorite destination for US residents, particularly those living near the US-Mexico border who are seeking more affordable medical care abroad.

But prices are certainly not the only reason behind the continuous expansion of global medical tourism. According to a report by McKinsey and Company, 40% of all international patients cited the “availability of advanced technology combined with highly trained professionals” as a key reason for their travel, with Mexico being no exception.

Below, we summarize why millions of Americans are visiting Mexico for plastic surgery:

Quality: Healthcare in Mexico is described as excellent, with numerous top-class facilities throughout the country providing affordable service. Contrary to the outdated view that Mexico is behind the times, Mexico has its fair share of prestigious Joint Commission International -accredited establishments that offer superior quality, as well as modern, high-tech medical centers dedicated to welcoming international patients visiting Mexico in search of more affordable but ultimately safe, successful treatment.

Training for specialists is rigorous and many who now practice in Mexico will have often undergone at least part of their training or residency in the United States, becoming members or affiliates of the American Medical Association and the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, as well as adhering to the same regulations on safety, hygiene and sterilization as their US counterparts.

Location:  Mexico’s position makes it a desirable destination for not only tummy tucks but also a wide range of other cosmetic surgery and non-invasive treatments. You will discover a number of easy-to-reach towns and cities to choose from (such as Tijuana and Mexicali) that can be accessed via car, especially if you live in or near Southern California, Arizona or Texas.

The advent of frequent, low-cost air travel also now sees patients from much further afield coming here to take advantage of the high-quality and reasonable prices while enjoying the option of a vacation before their procedure.

Popular coastal resorts, like Cancun and Cabo San Lucas, as well as major cities closer to the center of the country, can all be reached from most major cities in the US and Canada, with dozens of daily flights from the likes of New York, Los Angeles, San Diego, Miami, Chicago, Austin, Washington, Toronto and Vancouver.

Europeans can also fly directly to Mexico from the UK, France, Spain, Germany and the Netherlands.

Combined Vacation: Whether you want to combine your surgery with a holiday on the beach, take in some of Mexico’s incredible colonial cities or head over to one of the many border towns, visiting Mexico for any kind of health, medical or dental work presents a fantastic chance to enjoy some well-earned time off–and even squeeze in some adventures before meeting your doctor.

For anything involving vigorous activity, stretching, lifting or getting wet (and that includes inevitable perspiration in these warmer climes), make sure you plan your getaway before your procedure. Following abdominoplasty surgery, you’ll need a few days of bed rest before gradually engaging in some light walking. A follow-up appointment with your doctor will allow them to assess your post-op progress before giving you the green light to travel back home.

Finding the Best Clinic and Surgeon for Tummy Tuck Surgery in Mexico

Medical tourism is a fast-growing industry, with a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21.1% for the 2021-2028 period. And while there are dozens of metrics that could be used to show just how much consumer confidence has improved, choosing a surgeon and clinic for cosmetic surgery in Mexico should still be carried out with the utmost caution.

The fact remains, not every clinic offering more affordable tummy tuck prices may be trustworthy. Doing your own work by simply searching online is not a fail-safe approach; a clinic may look the part, but how can you be sure that what you’re reading on their site is true? Content provided on small business sites is often unclear, transparent pricing information is lacking, photos are outdated, and other information, such as surgeon profiles, may not be available in English.

In even worse cases, clinics with poor reviews may close and simply reopen under a new name; blacklisted or unlicensed surgeons have ways of hiding their checked past; and sometimes, the professional who you think will be treating you may not even exist.

The Medical Departures Safety Net

Booking with a trusted third-party service such as Medical Departures provides you with that extra measure of safety. With more than a decade of experience working with the best clinics and hospitals in dozens of destinations around the world, we help thousands of patients every year receive safe, successful treatment in Mexico.

This is because we only partner with the most reliable clinics and best surgeons in Mexico who are fully verified. Our background checks include:

-Searching criminal/legal records

-Collating and publishing real patient reviews

-Verifying doctor and surgeon qualifications

-Confirming professional memberships

-Ensuring that international standards on safety and hygiene are met

Booking with Medical Departures also allows you to vet your chosen clinic before you go. We provide high-resolution photographs, virtual clinic tours, authenticated patient reviews, and background checks on our doctors to verify qualifications, experience, and professional memberships.

It pays to do your research as you want to make sure you go to a reliable and trustworthy doctor when you are having a procedure as important as a tummy tuck performed.

Why Else Book with Us?

As well as gaining the best prices available, booking with Medical Departures assures you:

-24/7 customer service via live chat support, as well as a free phone line, email, and WhatsApp.

-Free assistance with other aspects of your medical trip

-Exclusive promotions to help you save even more, such as plastic surgery packages inclusive of accommodation and transfers

-A free cancellation policy (up to 24 hours before your appointment)

-Unlimited access to our database of hundreds of clinics in Mexico, and more than 1,000 surgeons worldwide

-Transparent price estimates on each of our clinic listings–so you will have a rough idea about how much your abdominoplasty surgery in Mexico will cost

-Best Price Guarantee

Recommended Tummy Tuck Clinics and Hospitals in Mexico

To get started, check out these leading clinics for tummy tuck surgery in Mexico–with prices starting from around $2,800:

-Marroquin and Sandoval - Los Cabos (Cabo San Lucas)

-Juan Gordillo (Guadalajara)

-Alice Beauty Clinic (Tijuana)

-Advanced Health Medical Center (Tijuana)

Additional Destinations in Mexico

Already know where you want to go in Mexico? Need more options? Then explore our network of partner providers with these useful lists:

> All Tummy Tuck Clinics and Hospitals in Cancun

> All Tummy Tuck Clinics and Hospitals in Mexicali

> All Tummy Tuck Clinics and Hospitals in Tijuana

> All Tummy Tuck Clinics and Hospitals in Mexico City

Alternatively, scroll through our full list of Tummy Tuck Clinics and Hospitals in Mexico here (country-wide).

Mexico Tummy Tuck Before & After Photos

As well as price lists, doctor profiles, maps, and patient reviews, our listings feature tummy tuck before and after photos–allowing you to see real-life examples of what is possible in Mexico. Head through to any of our individual clinic pages and scroll down to the photos section to see some of the impressive work from some of our partners.

In Brief: About Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Surgery

Pregnancy, significant weight loss, genetics, and just the natural aging process are all factors that can stretch out the skin around the stomach.

A tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, restores the appearance of this area through surgically tightening muscles and skin —often in conjunction with liposuction.

How Is the Tummy “Tucked”?

A tummy tuck procedure can be carried out using different, highly specialized techniques; your surgeon will consult with you as to the best option for your circumstances.

Essentially, each method involves your surgeon making an incision, removing the excess skin, tightening the muscles and pulling the skin tight over your stomach to create a more contoured appearance.

Types of Tummy Tuck

Standard abdominoplasty (full tuck): the abdominal wall skin and abdominal muscles are tightened using a standard incision.

Mini-abdominoplasty (mini-tuck): only the lower abdominal wall skin is tightened, which typically leaves a shorter scar.

Combined tuck with liposuction: a standard or mini abdominoplasty can be combined with liposuction, where a tiny cannula device is inserted into the area to suck out excess fat cells that are broken down into a liquid solution. The removal of excess fat is carried out before the skin and abdominal muscles are tightened.

For all types of abdominoplasty, it should also be noted that:

-Small suction drains may be used to drain away excess fluid.

-After the excess skin has been trimmed away, the incisions are closed with sutures.

-Most procedures take between one and three hours.

Anesthesia Options

Depending on the extent of surgery, ie. the amount of skin being removed, the amount of fat being removed and the total duration of the procedure, surgeons may prefer to use different anesthesia options, working alongside a specialist anesthesiologist. These can include a combination of:

-Local anesthesia to numb the area

-Oral sedation

-Conscious sedation

-General anesthesia

Mini-abdominoplasty surgery is generally carried out under conscious sedation with local anesthesia (only) on an outpatient basis.

Recovering from a Tummy Tuck

-Post-surgery, you will need a few days' bed rest, and your stitches will be removed around a week later.

-You will need to take it easy for a while and not indulge in strenuous exercise for at least six weeks. Delay stressful vacation travel and remain close to the clinic that performed your procedure.

-You will need to wear compression garments for five to seven days following surgery.

-It can take up to a week before you are able to stand fully upright.

-It may take up to three weeks for you to go back to work; for mini-tucks, this may be only one or two weeks.

Note: For more in-depth information about how a tummy tuck procedure is carried out, visit our Ultimate Guide to Tummy Tucks (global).

Tummy Tuck FAQs

Q. How much is a tummy tuck in Mexico?

A. Tummy tuck prices in Mexico range from $2,000 - $4,000 (USD) at our partner clinics.

Q. How long does a tummy tuck surgery take?

A. Depending on whether you are undergoing a mini or full abdominoplasty, surgery can take between one and three hours.

Q. Are tummy tucks in Mexico safe? 
A. Yes, tummy tucks have a particularly high success rate in Mexico; to ensure your safety, choose a verified provider in Mexico by using the Medical Departures site.

Q. Are tummy tucks covered by insurance? 
A. As an elective procedure performed only for cosmetic purposes, tummy tucks are not covered by insurance providers, nor subsidized by national health services, such as the UK’s NHS.

Q. Is tummy tuck surgery painful?

A. The surgery itself is not painful as the area will be numbed. Once the anesthesia wears off, expect the area to be sore and bruised. Painkillers should be prescribed to help ease the pain and make sleeping easier.

Traveling to Mexico as Medical Tourist

Mexico is known for offering patients from across the world affordability, medical expertise, and modern clinics, but for North Americans, it also offers a world of convenience.

For patients who wish to add some relaxation to their procedure, Mexico offers plenty of delightful choices: for example, one of Mexico’s famed beach resorts such as Cancun, Puerto Vallarta, or Cabo San Lucas; the delights of the country’s historic colonial cities, including Mexico City, Puebla, and San Miguel de Allende or over the border to Tijuana. Just remember to book your trip prior to your procedure to allow yourself the time and energy to fully recover post-op.

Mexican Border Destinations

Destinations like Tijuana and Mexicali are located just across the border from Southern California. Situated in the north of Mexico, these vibrant cities are easily accessible by road, especially for those looking for a tummy tuck surgeon near San Diego.

Considered hubs for both medical and dental tourism, American and Canadian patients visit these border destinations every day thanks to the low cost of medical and dental treatments, as well as convenient travel links and plentiful amenities.

For those based in Arizona or Texas, other up-and-coming medical destinations include Nogales, Ciudad Juárez, Reynosa, and Nuevo Laredo.

Read More:

> Ultimate Guide to Tummy Tucks in Tijuana

> Ultimate Guide to Tummy Tucks in Mexicali

Coastal Destinations

Thinking about combining your plastic surgery with a beach vacation to one of Mexico’s popular coastal resorts? Then the good news is that we’ve partnered with a number of top plastic surgeons in must-visit destinations on the country's spectacular Yucatán Peninsula, including Cancun, Playa del Carmen, Tulum, and the larger (and less touristy) city of Merida.

It should be noted that most direct flights from the US into this part of Mexico arrive at Cancun’s international airport, although some clinics may offer free or discounted transportation directly from the departures area.

Cancun is renowned for being a top-class holiday destination, boasting all the services and amenities any international patient would need when away from home. Plus, of course, there’s the addition of some spectacular stretches of soft-sand beaches, the crystal ocean overlooking both the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, a thriving dining and nightlife scene, bountiful shopping options, and some of ancient Mexico’s most impressive monuments, if you fancy an excursion out of town.

> Read More: Guide to Tummy Tucks in Cancun

Central Mexico

Other fly-to destinations in Central Mexico include the country capital, Mexico City, as well as Guadalajara, Mexico’s second-largest city and the capital Jalisco state.

Again, North Americans should find it relatively easy to get affordable direct flights to this part of the country from most major US and Canadian airports. And where these locations may lack in terms of beaches, they certainly make up for in terms of things to do, especially the throbbing capital that’s adored by global travelers thanks to its abundance of hip neighborhoods, sprawling markets, museums, historical sights, cafes, bars, restaurants, boutique hotels… the list goes on!

See More:

> Tummy Tuck Clinics in Mexico City

> Tummy Tuck Clinics in Guadalajara

How Can I Get Started?

Discover more about the range of options available at our quality-checked clinics in Mexico.

To book, see below for ways to arrange an appointment. If you’d like to know more about tummy tucks in Mexico or want a personalized quote, speak to our Customer Care Team.


Mexico Flight Connections. Website accessed: 24 November 2022.

American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Website accessed: 24 November 2022.

Mexican healthcare – the cost and quality. ITIJ. 1 March 2022.

Joint Commission International. Website accessed: 24 November 2022.

ISAPS. Website access: 24 November 2022.

M, Constantin; S. Saxon, and J. Yu. Reimagining the $9 trillion tourism economy—what will it take? August 2020.

The global medical tourism market is projected to grow from $13.98 billion in 2021 to $53.51 billion in 2028 at a CAGR of 21.1% in forecast period, 2021-2028... Read More at:-

Fortune Business Insights. February 2022.

Tummy Tuck Surgery (Abdominoplasty). WebMD. 26 July 2019.

Combined Liposuction and Tummy Tuck Offers Best of Both Procedures. American Society of Plastic Surgeons. 26 October 2021.

What are the steps of a tummy tuck procedure? American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Website accessed: 24 November 2022.

Why Choose Mexico for Your Tummy Tuck?
Finding the Best Clinic and Surgeon for Tummy Tuck Surgery in Mexico
In Brief: About Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Surgery
Tummy Tuck FAQs
Traveling to Mexico as Medical Tourist
How Can I Get Started?


Last fact-checked: 14 December 2022

With Medical Departures, you can get a free, personalized quote for your tummy tuck in Mexico, paying just a fraction of the cost back home.

Our network of verified surgeons is located across the country in well-established medical tourism destinations such as Tijuana, Cancun, and Guadalajara. And thanks to our Best Price Guarantee, you can save as much as 70% on your slimmer, tighter tummy while enjoying the option of a fabulous getaway at the same time.

Read on to find out more about what the procedure entails, as well as recommended clinics, top abdominoplasty surgeons in Mexico, price comparisons, reviews, travel tips, and booking information.

Cost of Tummy Tucks in Mexico vs the US

First things first: is traveling to Mexico for your tummy tuck actually worth it?

To get a quick idea as to how much you can save at our verified clinics and hospitals, see the table below displaying average abdominoplasty prices in Mexico compared to the US:

Tummy Tuck Price in the USATummy Tuck Price in MexicoYou Save:
$6,000 - $8,000$3,000 - $4,00050% - 65%

Average US costs were obtained from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons at the time of writing. Please check with your Medical Departures representative or our clinic pages for the most up-to-date pricing.

These prices in the USA generally do not include other essential or additional fees, such as anesthesia, operating room facilities, or medication. As a result, the overall cost of a tummy tuck in the US can often exceed $10,000, meaning those savings in Mexico may increase.

What Factors Affect Abdominoplasty Prices in Mexico?

How much you pay overall could be more or less than this, depending on:

-Whether you are having a mini tuck or a full tuck (more details further down this page).

-Whether liposuction is combined with the tuck to achieve a more toned look. In such cases, the volume of fat removed from around the stomach area will have a bearing on the length of surgery, and therefore the total price

-The reputation of your chosen clinic/hospital and surgeon

-The location of your chosen facility

-Whether additional treatment costs are included as part of the price estimate

> Read More: Ultimate Guide to Liposuction in Mexico

Are There Any Hidden Costs? 

We never charge for booking through our site and thanks to our price guarantee pledge, if you see a better rate for the same procedure with the same surgeon, we’ll match it.

While we try to be as transparent as possible–with no hidden charges to worry about–please be aware that initial price quotes can only be based on the details you provide us. If the nature of your procedure changes after meeting your doctor in Mexico, or if your diagnosis or preferences change as a result of your consultation, prices are subject to adjustment, accordingly.

It should also be noted that, unlike cosmetic surgery in the US where other essential costs are not included in price quotes, many clinics in Mexico will actually include fees such as anesthesia, medication, and in-patient care as part of an all-in-one package.

When getting a price quote from our team, ask our representatives what your provisional quote fully includes.

Why Choose Mexico for Your Tummy Tuck?

Mexico has long been a favorite destination for US residents, particularly those living near the US-Mexico border who are seeking more affordable medical care abroad.

But prices are certainly not the only reason behind the continuous expansion of global medical tourism. According to a report by McKinsey and Company, 40% of all international patients cited the “availability of advanced technology combined with highly trained professionals” as a key reason for their travel, with Mexico being no exception.

Below, we summarize why millions of Americans are visiting Mexico for plastic surgery:

Quality: Healthcare in Mexico is described as excellent, with numerous top-class facilities throughout the country providing affordable service. Contrary to the outdated view that Mexico is behind the times, Mexico has its fair share of prestigious Joint Commission International -accredited establishments that offer superior quality, as well as modern, high-tech medical centers dedicated to welcoming international patients visiting Mexico in search of more affordable but ultimately safe, successful treatment.

Training for specialists is rigorous and many who now practice in Mexico will have often undergone at least part of their training or residency in the United States, becoming members or affiliates of the American Medical Association and the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, as well as adhering to the same regulations on safety, hygiene and sterilization as their US counterparts.

Location:  Mexico’s position makes it a desirable destination for not only tummy tucks but also a wide range of other cosmetic surgery and non-invasive treatments. You will discover a number of easy-to-reach towns and cities to choose from (such as Tijuana and Mexicali) that can be accessed via car, especially if you live in or near Southern California, Arizona or Texas.

The advent of frequent, low-cost air travel also now sees patients from much further afield coming here to take advantage of the high-quality and reasonable prices while enjoying the option of a vacation before their procedure.

Popular coastal resorts, like Cancun and Cabo San Lucas, as well as major cities closer to the center of the country, can all be reached from most major cities in the US and Canada, with dozens of daily flights from the likes of New York, Los Angeles, San Diego, Miami, Chicago, Austin, Washington, Toronto and Vancouver.

Europeans can also fly directly to Mexico from the UK, France, Spain, Germany and the Netherlands.

Combined Vacation: Whether you want to combine your surgery with a holiday on the beach, take in some of Mexico’s incredible colonial cities or head over to one of the many border towns, visiting Mexico for any kind of health, medical or dental work presents a fantastic chance to enjoy some well-earned time off–and even squeeze in some adventures before meeting your doctor.

For anything involving vigorous activity, stretching, lifting or getting wet (and that includes inevitable perspiration in these warmer climes), make sure you plan your getaway before your procedure. Following abdominoplasty surgery, you’ll need a few days of bed rest before gradually engaging in some light walking. A follow-up appointment with your doctor will allow them to assess your post-op progress before giving you the green light to travel back home.

Finding the Best Clinic and Surgeon for Tummy Tuck Surgery in Mexico

Medical tourism is a fast-growing industry, with a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21.1% for the 2021-2028 period. And while there are dozens of metrics that could be used to show just how much consumer confidence has improved, choosing a surgeon and clinic for cosmetic surgery in Mexico should still be carried out with the utmost caution.

The fact remains, not every clinic offering more affordable tummy tuck prices may be trustworthy. Doing your own work by simply searching online is not a fail-safe approach; a clinic may look the part, but how can you be sure that what you’re reading on their site is true? Content provided on small business sites is often unclear, transparent pricing information is lacking, photos are outdated, and other information, such as surgeon profiles, may not be available in English.

In even worse cases, clinics with poor reviews may close and simply reopen under a new name; blacklisted or unlicensed surgeons have ways of hiding their checked past; and sometimes, the professional who you think will be treating you may not even exist.

The Medical Departures Safety Net

Booking with a trusted third-party service such as Medical Departures provides you with that extra measure of safety. With more than a decade of experience working with the best clinics and hospitals in dozens of destinations around the world, we help thousands of patients every year receive safe, successful treatment in Mexico.

This is because we only partner with the most reliable clinics and best surgeons in Mexico who are fully verified. Our background checks include:

-Searching criminal/legal records

-Collating and publishing real patient reviews

-Verifying doctor and surgeon qualifications

-Confirming professional memberships

-Ensuring that international standards on safety and hygiene are met

Booking with Medical Departures also allows you to vet your chosen clinic before you go. We provide high-resolution photographs, virtual clinic tours, authenticated patient reviews, and background checks on our doctors to verify qualifications, experience, and professional memberships.

It pays to do your research as you want to make sure you go to a reliable and trustworthy doctor when you are having a procedure as important as a tummy tuck performed.

Why Else Book with Us?

As well as gaining the best prices available, booking with Medical Departures assures you:

-24/7 customer service via live chat support, as well as a free phone line, email, and WhatsApp.

-Free assistance with other aspects of your medical trip

-Exclusive promotions to help you save even more, such as plastic surgery packages inclusive of accommodation and transfers

-A free cancellation policy (up to 24 hours before your appointment)

-Unlimited access to our database of hundreds of clinics in Mexico, and more than 1,000 surgeons worldwide

-Transparent price estimates on each of our clinic listings–so you will have a rough idea about how much your abdominoplasty surgery in Mexico will cost

-Best Price Guarantee

Recommended Tummy Tuck Clinics and Hospitals in Mexico

To get started, check out these leading clinics for tummy tuck surgery in Mexico–with prices starting from around $2,800:

-Marroquin and Sandoval - Los Cabos (Cabo San Lucas)

-Juan Gordillo (Guadalajara)

-Alice Beauty Clinic (Tijuana)

-Advanced Health Medical Center (Tijuana)

Additional Destinations in Mexico

Already know where you want to go in Mexico? Need more options? Then explore our network of partner providers with these useful lists:

> All Tummy Tuck Clinics and Hospitals in Cancun

> All Tummy Tuck Clinics and Hospitals in Mexicali

> All Tummy Tuck Clinics and Hospitals in Tijuana

> All Tummy Tuck Clinics and Hospitals in Mexico City

Alternatively, scroll through our full list of Tummy Tuck Clinics and Hospitals in Mexico here (country-wide).

Mexico Tummy Tuck Before & After Photos

As well as price lists, doctor profiles, maps, and patient reviews, our listings feature tummy tuck before and after photos–allowing you to see real-life examples of what is possible in Mexico. Head through to any of our individual clinic pages and scroll down to the photos section to see some of the impressive work from some of our partners.

In Brief: About Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Surgery

Pregnancy, significant weight loss, genetics, and just the natural aging process are all factors that can stretch out the skin around the stomach.

A tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, restores the appearance of this area through surgically tightening muscles and skin —often in conjunction with liposuction.

How Is the Tummy “Tucked”?

A tummy tuck procedure can be carried out using different, highly specialized techniques; your surgeon will consult with you as to the best option for your circumstances.

Essentially, each method involves your surgeon making an incision, removing the excess skin, tightening the muscles and pulling the skin tight over your stomach to create a more contoured appearance.

Types of Tummy Tuck

Standard abdominoplasty (full tuck): the abdominal wall skin and abdominal muscles are tightened using a standard incision.

Mini-abdominoplasty (mini-tuck): only the lower abdominal wall skin is tightened, which typically leaves a shorter scar.

Combined tuck with liposuction: a standard or mini abdominoplasty can be combined with liposuction, where a tiny cannula device is inserted into the area to suck out excess fat cells that are broken down into a liquid solution. The removal of excess fat is carried out before the skin and abdominal muscles are tightened.

For all types of abdominoplasty, it should also be noted that:

-Small suction drains may be used to drain away excess fluid.

-After the excess skin has been trimmed away, the incisions are closed with sutures.

-Most procedures take between one and three hours.

Anesthesia Options

Depending on the extent of surgery, ie. the amount of skin being removed, the amount of fat being removed and the total duration of the procedure, surgeons may prefer to use different anesthesia options, working alongside a specialist anesthesiologist. These can include a combination of:

-Local anesthesia to numb the area

-Oral sedation

-Conscious sedation

-General anesthesia

Mini-abdominoplasty surgery is generally carried out under conscious sedation with local anesthesia (only) on an outpatient basis.

Recovering from a Tummy Tuck

-Post-surgery, you will need a few days' bed rest, and your stitches will be removed around a week later.

-You will need to take it easy for a while and not indulge in strenuous exercise for at least six weeks. Delay stressful vacation travel and remain close to the clinic that performed your procedure.

-You will need to wear compression garments for five to seven days following surgery.

-It can take up to a week before you are able to stand fully upright.

-It may take up to three weeks for you to go back to work; for mini-tucks, this may be only one or two weeks.

Note: For more in-depth information about how a tummy tuck procedure is carried out, visit our Ultimate Guide to Tummy Tucks (global).

Tummy Tuck FAQs

Q. How much is a tummy tuck in Mexico?

A. Tummy tuck prices in Mexico range from $2,000 - $4,000 (USD) at our partner clinics.

Q. How long does a tummy tuck surgery take?

A. Depending on whether you are undergoing a mini or full abdominoplasty, surgery can take between one and three hours.

Q. Are tummy tucks in Mexico safe? 
A. Yes, tummy tucks have a particularly high success rate in Mexico; to ensure your safety, choose a verified provider in Mexico by using the Medical Departures site.

Q. Are tummy tucks covered by insurance? 
A. As an elective procedure performed only for cosmetic purposes, tummy tucks are not covered by insurance providers, nor subsidized by national health services, such as the UK’s NHS.

Q. Is tummy tuck surgery painful?

A. The surgery itself is not painful as the area will be numbed. Once the anesthesia wears off, expect the area to be sore and bruised. Painkillers should be prescribed to help ease the pain and make sleeping easier.

Traveling to Mexico as Medical Tourist

Mexico is known for offering patients from across the world affordability, medical expertise, and modern clinics, but for North Americans, it also offers a world of convenience.

For patients who wish to add some relaxation to their procedure, Mexico offers plenty of delightful choices: for example, one of Mexico’s famed beach resorts such as Cancun, Puerto Vallarta, or Cabo San Lucas; the delights of the country’s historic colonial cities, including Mexico City, Puebla, and San Miguel de Allende or over the border to Tijuana. Just remember to book your trip prior to your procedure to allow yourself the time and energy to fully recover post-op.

Mexican Border Destinations

Destinations like Tijuana and Mexicali are located just across the border from Southern California. Situated in the north of Mexico, these vibrant cities are easily accessible by road, especially for those looking for a tummy tuck surgeon near San Diego.

Considered hubs for both medical and dental tourism, American and Canadian patients visit these border destinations every day thanks to the low cost of medical and dental treatments, as well as convenient travel links and plentiful amenities.

For those based in Arizona or Texas, other up-and-coming medical destinations include Nogales, Ciudad Juárez, Reynosa, and Nuevo Laredo.

Read More:

> Ultimate Guide to Tummy Tucks in Tijuana

> Ultimate Guide to Tummy Tucks in Mexicali

Coastal Destinations

Thinking about combining your plastic surgery with a beach vacation to one of Mexico’s popular coastal resorts? Then the good news is that we’ve partnered with a number of top plastic surgeons in must-visit destinations on the country's spectacular Yucatán Peninsula, including Cancun, Playa del Carmen, Tulum, and the larger (and less touristy) city of Merida.

It should be noted that most direct flights from the US into this part of Mexico arrive at Cancun’s international airport, although some clinics may offer free or discounted transportation directly from the departures area.

Cancun is renowned for being a top-class holiday destination, boasting all the services and amenities any international patient would need when away from home. Plus, of course, there’s the addition of some spectacular stretches of soft-sand beaches, the crystal ocean overlooking both the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, a thriving dining and nightlife scene, bountiful shopping options, and some of ancient Mexico’s most impressive monuments, if you fancy an excursion out of town.

> Read More: Guide to Tummy Tucks in Cancun

Central Mexico

Other fly-to destinations in Central Mexico include the country capital, Mexico City, as well as Guadalajara, Mexico’s second-largest city and the capital Jalisco state.

Again, North Americans should find it relatively easy to get affordable direct flights to this part of the country from most major US and Canadian airports. And where these locations may lack in terms of beaches, they certainly make up for in terms of things to do, especially the throbbing capital that’s adored by global travelers thanks to its abundance of hip neighborhoods, sprawling markets, museums, historical sights, cafes, bars, restaurants, boutique hotels… the list goes on!

See More:

> Tummy Tuck Clinics in Mexico City

> Tummy Tuck Clinics in Guadalajara

How Can I Get Started?

Discover more about the range of options available at our quality-checked clinics in Mexico.

To book, see below for ways to arrange an appointment. If you’d like to know more about tummy tucks in Mexico or want a personalized quote, speak to our Customer Care Team.


Mexico Flight Connections. Website accessed: 24 November 2022.

American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Website accessed: 24 November 2022.

Mexican healthcare – the cost and quality. ITIJ. 1 March 2022.

Joint Commission International. Website accessed: 24 November 2022.

ISAPS. Website access: 24 November 2022.

M, Constantin; S. Saxon, and J. Yu. Reimagining the $9 trillion tourism economy—what will it take? August 2020.

The global medical tourism market is projected to grow from $13.98 billion in 2021 to $53.51 billion in 2028 at a CAGR of 21.1% in forecast period, 2021-2028... Read More at:-

Fortune Business Insights. February 2022.

Tummy Tuck Surgery (Abdominoplasty). WebMD. 26 July 2019.

Combined Liposuction and Tummy Tuck Offers Best of Both Procedures. American Society of Plastic Surgeons. 26 October 2021.

What are the steps of a tummy tuck procedure? American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Website accessed: 24 November 2022.

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Bob M

04 2025

very good

Nicholas G

11 2025

The surgeon's attention to detail was impressive.

Nyo S

11 2025

The staff made me feel comfortable throughout the entire process.

Ashwini K

11 2025

I appreciated how the surgeon took time to understand exactly what I wanted to achieve.

Isaac C

11 2025

Recovery was manageable and the results are fantastic.

Marc G

11 2025

The procedure has completely transformed how I feel about myself.

Anjali G

11 2025

The gummy bear implants feel so natural. Best decision I've made for myself.

Emily R

11 2025

My surgeon's attention to detail was impressive.

Stephen B

11 2025

Post-operative care was outstanding.

Monsicha P

11 2025

The recovery was quicker than I expected.

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